Saturday, September 5, 2009

What A Way to Spend a Saturday!

This has been such a relaxing day so far.
My morning started out with my sweet husband bringing me breakfast in bed.
It was more like lunch time, but that's what's so great about sleeping in on Saturday!
Next, I stayed in bed and read all the way through a
The best part of staying in bed until about 2:30, was reading more of my husband's
latest novel, Haunt of Jackals.
If you haven't checked out New York Times Best-selling author, Eric Wilson, you
Of course I think he's amazing, but I've been married to him for 19 years.
As for his novels, I've read them all.
If you get the chance, check out
You'll find out all the latest about Eric Wilson etc...I'm very proud of my man, can you tell?
Well, back to my amazing Saturday.
My hubby and I just finished watching a movie, and we're setting up for the next...Australia!
We've been snacking, drinking coffee, I'm still in my sweats, and it's a little after 6pm.
Anyway, I encourage each and everyone of you reading this blog to spend a whole day just doing whatever you want!
Eat, sleep, watch some movies or television, eat, sleep, watch more get the idea.
Guess that's it for now.
I've got to back to doing...whatever I want!

Let's Blog,

Carolyn Rose

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