Thursday, September 3, 2009

Extra Extra!

Hey All,

I had so much fun yesterday.
My first time on a movie set...really cool!
We did a lot of sitting and waiting of course, but it was fun to see
what they do behind the scenes.
Michael Clarke Duncan, from the Green Mile, is one of the main actors.
It was fun to see him up close and personal.
I was asked to walk by some of the people during a scene in a bar.
We had to do it over and over, but it was cool...hope they don't end up cutting it out.
Well, guess that about covers my extra experience for now.
Hope I get to do it again sometime.
Let me know what's on your mind.
It's great to hear from my friends.

Let's Blog,



  1. What fun! How did you get the opportunity? I have always wondered what it would really be like to be on a movie set. I love watching "behind the scenes" stuff on DVDs, haha.

  2. Hi there,
    I actually was looking on craigslist the other night, and happened to find the ad.
    There are so many cool things I've found there.
    Jobs, gigs, cars, and the opportunity to be an extra!
    Anyway, it was really fun.
    If you like behind the scenes stuff, it's a blast.
    Well, it's always good to hear from you.
    Hope you have a great weekend.
