Monday, September 14, 2009

I'm A Little Sad Tonight

Hey All,
It's been a while since I've posted on here.
Just watched the news a little while ago.
Can't believe that Patrick Swayze died today.(Sept. 14, 09')
Guess I knew it was going to happen at some point,
but still a little shocked.
I'm feeling sad for his wife and mother especially.
Well, it makes me want to live each day to the fullest.
Make each day count.
Above all else, let love lead the way.
I'm sure that Patrick's mother is not thinking about how messy
her son's room used to be.
She's just wishing she could hug and kiss him one more time.
I'm guessing that his wife is not dwelling on all of Patrick's faults.
Tonight, she's wondering if her crying will ever end.
What happens next?
Well, my heart goes out to all who have lost someone they love.
Life is a precious gift.
Let's live it with purpose and passion.
Don't miss out because of anger or bitterness.
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not keep a record of wrongs.
Life is short.
So treasure each moment, and make every effort to be at peace
with others.
Well, guess that's about it for my thoughts at the moment.
I'd love to hear any thoughts you have about anything I've
shared in this post.


Carolyn Rose

Saturday, September 5, 2009

What A Way to Spend a Saturday!

This has been such a relaxing day so far.
My morning started out with my sweet husband bringing me breakfast in bed.
It was more like lunch time, but that's what's so great about sleeping in on Saturday!
Next, I stayed in bed and read all the way through a
The best part of staying in bed until about 2:30, was reading more of my husband's
latest novel, Haunt of Jackals.
If you haven't checked out New York Times Best-selling author, Eric Wilson, you
Of course I think he's amazing, but I've been married to him for 19 years.
As for his novels, I've read them all.
If you get the chance, check out
You'll find out all the latest about Eric Wilson etc...I'm very proud of my man, can you tell?
Well, back to my amazing Saturday.
My hubby and I just finished watching a movie, and we're setting up for the next...Australia!
We've been snacking, drinking coffee, I'm still in my sweats, and it's a little after 6pm.
Anyway, I encourage each and everyone of you reading this blog to spend a whole day just doing whatever you want!
Eat, sleep, watch some movies or television, eat, sleep, watch more get the idea.
Guess that's it for now.
I've got to back to doing...whatever I want!

Let's Blog,

Carolyn Rose

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Extra Extra!

Hey All,

I had so much fun yesterday.
My first time on a movie set...really cool!
We did a lot of sitting and waiting of course, but it was fun to see
what they do behind the scenes.
Michael Clarke Duncan, from the Green Mile, is one of the main actors.
It was fun to see him up close and personal.
I was asked to walk by some of the people during a scene in a bar.
We had to do it over and over, but it was cool...hope they don't end up cutting it out.
Well, guess that about covers my extra experience for now.
Hope I get to do it again sometime.
Let me know what's on your mind.
It's great to hear from my friends.

Let's Blog,


Tuesday, September 1, 2009

I'm Gonna Be An Extra in a Movie!

Hey All,

Hope you had a good day.
My day went pretty well.
Had to take our cat to the vet.
She had some flea issues etc...looks like she's gonna be fine.
Well, tomorrow I'm gonna be an extra in a movie.
I'm looking forward to hanging out on a set.
I'll blog about my experience tomorrow.
Guess that's about it for now.

Sleep well,

Carolyn Rose

Thanks a Million!

Good Morning,
Just wanted to say thanks to those of you who are following my blog.
It was great to hear from you.
I'm glad to know that Eric and I are an inspiration as a couple.
19 years later, I'm so very thankful for the amazing man I'm married to!
It's been a pretty cool adventure, and I'm sure we've only scratched the surface.
My encouragement to couples is to never take each other for granted.
Keep on planning those date nights...have fun together.
Laugh a lot.
Be quick to forgive.
Start fresh every day.
Put selfishness aside.
Be kind with your words.
Encourage one another.
Serve each other.
Lots of hugs and kisses and...!
Well, you get the idea, lol.
Hope you all have a great day.
Can't wait to hear more thoughts etc...

Let's Blog!

Carolyn Rose